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Tantri Mustika

Updated: Feb 2, 2019

When Tantri Mustika was posed with a question about what type of hobbies she had; she was stumped.

How did she spend her time when she wasn’t working as a hair stylist?

This question set her on a path to find out what she enjoyed and soon enough she rediscovered her love for ceramics. Now she dreams and plays with colour and texture to create the fun and striking pieces inspired by nature and terrazzo.

Before carving a place for herself in the creative field of pottery and ceramics; Tantri worked as a trained hairstylist and worked in the industry for over a decade.

She now has a fully fledged ceramics practice, has been featured in leading magazines and websites, commissioned by Heide Museum of Modern Art, and still manages to find time to connect with her followers and through her hands-on ceramics workshops.

In episode three we deep-dive into how Tantri made the shift from the safety of hairdressing and a regular pay-check to learning the intricacies of pottery, establishing a creative practice, and running her own business.

Tantri shares how she navigated finding a local ceramics courses that suited her pace of learning and putting her new found skills into practice. We also hear about the power of social media and harnessing it to amplify your work and find your supporters. A must-listen for anyone looking to turn that passion project into something more.

Tantri was also kind enough to share the names of a few other creatives she admires:

Kanesha Sneed - @tactilematter

Kanesha Sneed is an artist who works with digital media, clay, and paint. Her work feels like a dream scape of beautiful black and brown figures alongside rich colours and form.

Sampa the Great - | @sampa_the_great

Many of you will know the brilliant work of Sampa the Great; a poet, songwriter,

and visual artist whose work is grounded in socially conscious messages. Sampa was born in Zambia, raised in Botswana, and moved to Sydney as a young adult.

You can hear all these influences fused with her love and respect for old school hip hop.

You can find Tantri’s work online and at @tantrimustikaceramics.

Listen to Tantri's episode on iTunes , Spotify and Android.

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