When we think about pioneers; we think about people like Ruqxana Vasanwala.
When she decided to become an engineer it was a feminist act.
Why couldn’t she do the same thing that the boys in her class were encouraged to do?
In episode five of Brown Girl Pod we chat with Ruqxana, owner and creator of Cookery Magic - an enterprise she set-up over fifteen years ago following a life changing trip to Japan.
We sat down in her big verandah on a balmy afternoon after taking one of her cooking classes. You’ll hear the gentle patter of the rain, birds, and nearby traffic, but don’t let that distract you. Ruqxana epitomises the definition of reinvention and making a go of a new opportunity.
In the spirit of this podcast we asked Ruqxana to share the name of someone she admires. She passed on the work of Saleemah Ismail. Saleemah is an advocate for social justice and who has worked tirelessly to support and help women out of poverty, sex trafficking, and other violent situations.
Saleemah also co-founded a business school for migrants and low income communities that creates impactful change for women and their families in over 10 countries in the Asia region. She now works for UN Women to drive social change through private sector partnerships. You can find out more about Saleemah's work online at New Life Stories.
The host of Brown Girl Pod, Deborah Rodrigo, paid and attended a Cookery Magic class prior to the interview taking place.
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